Barbara Hartmann

Web Design

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Terminal 1 is a German travel agency specializing in overseas airtravel.

This project involved design and development of a website that informed customers about special offers and featured useful tools for travelers.

Included an interactive Flash animation with connection to Perl scripts.

The website has been redesigned recently.

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NIRx Medical Technologies, LCC is a New York based biotech firm that develops and markets biomedical-optical imaging systems.

This project involved design and development of the company website with educational material and background information about the technology and its applications.

Included printerfriendly output and a custom search tool realized with Perl.

The website has been redesigned recently.

screenshot of OTG website
Optical Tomography Group at SUNY

The Optical Tomography Group is a biomedical research lab at SUNY Downstate Medical Center in Brooklyn, USA.

This project involved design and development of the website, which informs about the group's research projects and contains resources for fellow researchers and students.

The website has been redesigned recently.

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IGP is a consulting firm based in Hannover, Germany specializing in workplace health promotion and personnel development.

This project involved design and development of a website that advertises the company's services to prospective clients.

The website has been redesigned recently.

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  © 2003-22 Barbara Hartmann